Saturday, November 5, 2011

Chiquita Lola!

Here we are on this cold and windy night. There is a knock at the door, a knock no one would hear....until there was another knock and then we heard it and who do you think it was? It was Lola the chicken dressed as herself, or the Chiquita Banana lady we aren't sure. You be the judge. She has made the long and scary journey from the Grovers to the Riddle's many times, what is different this time you ask? Well I'm gonna tell you, she has finally unleashed her inner Chaquita. She even changed her name to Lola which is her gypsy name. Her real name was Beatrice which was given to her by her mother The Little Red Hen. She was tired of baking all that damn bread, she was ready for so much more and so was born LOLA! (In your best rock star groupie voice...) WE LOVE YOU LOLA!

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